There are many things I should do, and many, many others I shouldn't.
Mais je ne regrette rien!
Not today, that I connected in the aMSN, and started talking to a friend I rarely see! However he is very kind! I read him! I wonder how happen to be such difficult stories...
But then I was having conversations with three other friends... and maybe is the spring (jaja(how to laugh in english?)) I appreciate them!!
The afternoon, was also very amusing! And today I'll talk about my friends!
After the conference about the Julia Set and the Sierpinsky's functions we went to eat (we still have the habit of eating! =),) as always we got plenty of food, even a dessert! But when we were on our way back to the school, Rosa saw a street that she had never taken before (May be she just didn't remember). Victor said that the next exit was very far, it was convenient for us to go to the airport! We like going to the airport! Long, long ago we planned to go there with a Tequila and see the airplanes leave and arrive!! We ended in a coffee shop (in a city, which is every coffee shop, in every city, on a day, which is every day; i pick up a magazine, which is every magazine and read a story then forgot it right away, they say goldfish have no memory, i guess their lives are much like mine, the little plastic castle is a surprise every time, and it's hard to say if they are happy, but they don't seem much to mind, from the shape of your shaved head
i recognized your silhoutte, as you walked out of the sun and sat down, and the sight of your sleepy smile eclipsed all the other people, as they paused to snear at the girls from out of town
i said, "Look at you this morning
you are by far the cutest*).
Well it was delicious!
Then a storm! Orson told me he jumped into the puddles he somewhere found!
And the golden brooch (there's surely another translation of these words) We'll play tomorrow Risk at my home, you know the address!! =) everyone is invited!
It isn't worth to say what I should do! Tomorrow is friday of having the brain fried from 8:30 to 13:00! And I don't have questions, nothing to make a little presentation, nevertheless we enjoy it! I'll think about something right after writing!
The original idea of the blog was to show some pics! But I have now
another place to do that:
And my english may suck! Sorry! I have to practice, just because...
Corrections are Welcome!
*little plastic castle, ani difranco