sábado, 18 de octubre de 2008


A common sign of affection throughout all societies.

I hope, you guys, don't mind.

Anyone who has ever been kissed knows that the sensations involved aren't confined to the mouth. Your facial nerve carries impulses between your brain and the muscles and skin in your face and tongue. While you kiss, it carries messages from your lips, tongue and face to your brain to tell it what's going on. Your brain responds by ordering your body to produce:
  • Oxytocin, which helps people develop feelings of attachment, devotion and affection for one another
  • Dopamine, which plays a role in the brain's processing of emotions, pleasure and pain
  • Serotonin, which affects a person's mood and feelings
  • Adrenaline, which increases heart rate and plays a role in your body's fight-or-flight response
When you kiss, these hormones and neurotransmitters rush through your body. Along with natural endorphins. In addition, blood vessels dilate, so your whole body receives more oxygen than it does when you're just standing around.

4 comentarios:

Violette dijo...

Dios mío!! que buena foto =)

¿puedo robarla?

El Rafa dijo...

orale, buena foto... me imagino que fue en un reven...que tal el reven?

Adriana dijo...

Jeje! Todo estuvo bien divertido! Desde perfilar el diseño, la pintada, esponjar el pelo, jaja! La fiesta estuvo buena! Ja, ni parecía que al principio pensé en no ir por falta de atuendo! Y en la madrugada, quitarse la pintura un show! y desenredar lo enmarañado!!
Aunque me quedé con ganas de ir a un lugar con gente que nada tuviera que ver con la fiesta!! :)
Roba la foto!!

Benjamín Téllez dijo...

la verdad ni los reconocí, eso cuando fue?